Everyone knows that Suaram has been getting over RM1million from a US-based NGO involved in discrediting the Chinese government in Xinjiang and Tibet and in the case of Malaysia, the NGO wants Suaram to do the dirty job.
But Malaysiakini is also in the same category. This Pakatan Rakyat propaganda arm, is trying to pass off as a news portal, but has also received serious money from George Soros and friends of Anwar Ibrahim.
Malaysiakini – which was started off by its CEO Premesh Chandran – a leader in Suaram – started with a grant from the Media Development Loan Fund, which is financed by George Soros’ Open Society Institute.
The first grant given was RM188,000 but soon, the amount snowballed to an additional whopping RM1.3million! Many Malaysian publishers have had to borrow bank loans to start off their company. It also received RM385,000 from another foreign NGO.
The question is why is Malaysiakini, which has virtually no revenue from advertisements, are able to operate on a monthly budget of between RM80,000 and RM100,000 a month? Who is financing this outfit to carry out their anti-Malaysia agenda?
Throwing RM2 million a year to the traitors at Malaysiakini is nothing if it serves their agenda. The editors at Malaysiakini are also happy especially when many Malaysians think they are the only independent and objective journalists in town now.
The Malaysiakini CEO and his chief editor Steven Gan were all fellow anti-Malaysia agents in Australia, during their student days, with PKR leaders like Tian Chua and Elizabeth Wong.
For more of details of Malaysiakini’s dirty work, we reproduced an early posting in this portal.