Source: Outsyed the Box
Folks this is what Anwar Ibrahim has told a UK newspaper called The Scotsman. You can read it here.
The Scotsman reports him saying: “If I were to rob somebody now, people will say I don’t think he did that, because so many other things have been claimed.”
Fuiyyo. Anwar Ibrahim is untouchable. He says so many accusations have been levelled against him and still people dont believe those accusations.
Well this is not true. Many, many people believe the accusations and the video tapes. But because they are his supporters, because they are extreme munafiks or hypocrites – like Karpal Singh and Mat Sabu – they are willing to turn a blind eye.
Karpal Singh openly accused Anwar of homosexual behaviour in Parliament. It is recorded in the Hansard. Mat Sabu publicly called Anwar ‘al-juburi’. But for the sake of munafikism (hypocrisy) Karpal and Mat Sabu are hanging together with Anwar.
Anything for the vote. As long as it is anti-BN its ok (Karpal and Sabu). As long as it breaks up Malay political unity its ok (Karpal and Kit Siang).
Even if he robs someone in broad daylight the munafiks will not believe it.
He can run naked in the middle of the street the munafiks will not believe it.
He can cavort with prostitutes on video, the munafiks will deny it.
He can cavort with homosexuals on video, the munafiks will not believe.
This is what Mustafa Ali is also hoping for. That he can just deny that it was him in that video with colour and audio thrown in. He is telling people that its just not him.
Maybe Mustafa Ali and Anwar Ibrahim can team up and rob a bank. No one is going to believe the story.
That is what Anwar Ibrahim has told The Scotsman: “If I were to rob somebody now, people will say I don’t think he did that, because so many other things have been claimed.”
This man is now untouchable. There can be only two reasons for this:
- He is telling the truth OR
- He is being extremely arrogant. He is taking all of you for a ride.
Only one answer is correct.