Have you thought about how much time you waste on the internet? Whether it is on our latest smartphone or the cool device you got for your birthday, have you accounted for the time you spend mindlessly scrolling, or talking to people on social media, watching videos on TikTok, or creating more content than learning from it. Have you also given a thought to how you could change your time on the internet, into a more productive time period?
Internet does not have to be filled with complete emptiness and vanity. It can be resourceful and significant to our development. In fact, it is a tool that can be used by humans to solve major real-life problems and contribute to a better cause. Many have used the power of the internet to help end poverty, raise awareness, improve social justice, and even have political movements. Some have done amazing things for their personal development using the internet as they earn money through their content or use the power of social media to land their dream job. Are you doing any work on the internet that may one day contribute to your dream? Maybe it is time we figure out how to spend more time on the internet, in a very productive manner.
Engage With Experts On Twitter
Twitter is a wonderful placed but sometimes it can be flooded with unnecessary drama. But unlike any other platform, it is one of the best places to form connections that prove to be useful to our academic life as well as career development. It is where we could mingle with professionals and seek job opportunities across the world. Ofcourse, Twitter does not handle a candle to the powers of LinkedIn as well. Learning how to socialize on LinkedIn rather than Instagram can prove to be one of the best things for your personal development.

Join Clubs And Group Chats That Facilitate Productivity
There are so many different clubs and groups on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter that could enhance our intellectual capacity. Some countries have an astrophysics club where people could have meet-ups and talk about the latest developments in astronomy. Some groups are about the latest marketing techniques while others are about the progression in internet providers such as TM unifi. Whatever club or group or website newsletter we join, make sure that it is for a beneficial purpose that has a lot of perks for your personal development.
Not every one of us is a reader. We don’t like to stack up on books or read them, hence we get our information from blog posts and social media posts. But sometimes what’s even better and more productive than a blog post is a podcast. Podcasts have a wide range of variety. You can listen to any genre of podcasts that interest you and we guarantee you that it will improve your knowledge, information, and even skills such as communication as well as comprehension. Podcasts give us the opportunity to listen to experts engage in natural conversation, develop thought-provoking insights, and give us the latest developments. If news bore us, and so do books, then a podcast is the perfect addition for you.