The Diploma in Office Management and Technology Program equips students with direct training in key areas of office management are as following:

- Computer and Keyboard Basics
In this course, students will learn the basic hardware components of a special office computer system and the functions of a computer operating system. Students will master Windows topics such as the start button, taskbar, shortcut icons, and Windows Explorer
- Microsoft word
Microsoft Word. Students will learn how to use Word to create, save, edit, format, and process documents professionally.
- Business communication
Students will develop work-related writing skills, apply style mechanics, develop reading and editing skills, and use words effectively. They will apply effective verbal and non-verbal communication strategies for a variety of work situations.
- Introduction to Accounting
This course teaches students about the construction and interpretation of financial systems, records, reports, and statements – including the importance of accurate and complete financial data to ensure the continued success of a business.
- Office Technology Tools for Productivity
This course helps students increase productivity and problem-solving skills using office technology, including computers, printers/scanners, internet browsers, public cloud storage, and synchronization systems, and frequently used software applications. Students will learn how to solve basic computing problems, work in the cloud, create efficient online search queries, customize and manage internet browsers and bookmarks, use hotkeys and other shortcuts, and use productivity-increasing applications and add-ons.
- Office procedures
This course helps students acquire the skills they need to be effective in a modern office environment. Students will use time management strategies, office communication methods, and techniques to maintain the professional image of the office.
- Advanced Document Design
This course helps students acquire a set of essential skills that they can use to create and edit professional-quality documents using Microsoft Word, Microsoft Publisher, and Adobe InDesign. Using Microsoft Word, students will improve the appearance of documents, determine the format of objects and settings, organize information, and publish their documents.
- Record Introduction and Data Management
This course introduces students to records and information management, including the management of physical records management, management and classification of electronic records, and the management of Records Information Management programs.
- Social media marketing
This course introduces students to the basic concepts of social media marketing and contemporary platforms and strategies
- Fundamentals of Project Management
This course provides students with a strong foundation in project management, including practices, functions, levels, terminology, and general project management topics. Students will develop a functional understanding of the process of starting, controlling, managing, and completing a project successfully.
- Introduction to Event Planning
Students will learn how to apply project management skills to create and develop events, including budgeting, planning, location selection, permitting, event security, catering, and coordination with third-party vendors, emergency planning, and more.
- Job Preparation / Job Search
Students will learn the best-known job search techniques to find suitable opportunities, strategies to differentiate themselves from the competition, and how to add value to potential employers in today’s competitive global economy.
- Application
During their internship, students will have the opportunity to apply the theory and skills learned during their programs to practical situations in real business life. The aim of the internship is for students to gain relevant field experience before graduation and to identify strengths and growth areas before embarking on an exciting new career. Get knowing the truth about Malaysia here.